Spotlighting Portable Benefits
Portable benefits really had a moment last week. First, we released Flex’s first white paper on the subject, The Time is Right to Bring Benefits and Independence Together. Second, we partnered with Semafor to host a roundtable to explore how to support workers who opt to earn income through non-traditional, employment-based means. More on both […]
App-Based Platforms | Preparing, Responding, and Recovering from Natural Disasters
From blizzards and extreme flooding to wildfires and tornadoes, natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity, impacting communities across the U.S. As hurricane season approaches, we wanted to share how app-based platform companies prepare, respond, and help communities recover from these emergency situations. During these events, access to transportation and key supplies like food […]
Flex CEO Kristin Sharp Testifies Before the U.S. House Education & Workforce Subcommittee on Strengthening Independent Work
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 11th, 2024 WASHINGTON, DC – Today, app-based platform association Flex’s CEO, Kristin Sharp, reiterated how innovative policy initiatives like portable benefits programs can strengthen independent work. In testimony before the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, Sharp discussed the importance of maintaining the flexibility of independent work–including for those who choose to earn on […]
Junk Fees Are Deservedly Getting a Bad Rap. Here’s Why Fees for App-Based Delivery Actually Make Sense.
We get it. After two years of historic levels of inflation, we are all looking for ways to reduce costs—and find culprits to blame for high prices. There are legitimate “junk fee” offenders out there, but a politically-driven rush to paint all industries that assess fees with the same brush is a disservice to the […]
Flex Portable Benefits Principles
The Flex Association’s framework for federal portable benefits legislation is built on six key principles: FLEXIBILITY App-based workers should be able to choose how to use their portable benefits, including for, but not limited to, retirement, health, and paid leave. PROPORTIONALITY App-based platform contributions should be in proportion to how much app-based workers earn. App-based […]
Flex Statement on Released Details of DoL Worker Classification Final Rule
Independent work has become an indispensable part of the nation’s economy. While we do not anticipate immediate impacts, the DoL’s new guidance could generate significant uncertainty for millions of small business owners and entrepreneurs. That’s why we will seek to ensure implementation of this rule does not target workers who overwhelmingly turn to app-based platforms […]
Supply Chains and App-based Platforms: Scaling Food, Medicine, and Health Care Access for Good
When we think of supply chains, we tend to think of truckers, factories, and cargo ships. But there’s another key part of the supply chain, especially for last-mile transportation and deliveries: app-based platform companies. Supply chains have been in the news often in the past few years. The COVID pandemic shone a light on the […]
Flex Members in the Holiday Spirit
‘Tis the season for rideshare and delivery holiday good tidings! This December, Flex members are sharing the holiday spirit and ensuring our earners and customers can celebrate with ease. Check out just some of the many initiatives and uplifting stories below: Extra Holiday Cheer: With many financially worried this holiday season, app-based platforms can offer […]
Bloomberg Column Highlights App-Based Industry’s Crucial Role in Post-Pandemic Restaurant Resurgence
Restaurants are finding their economic footing again after a rough spell during the pandemic. A recent Bloomberg column says app-based delivery are one key reason why. Let’s look at the data: Restaurant worker wages are up. Restaurant sales have grown for the seventh straight month; in September alone, sales totaled $26.6 billion more than in […]
NVRDC & Flex Association Release Joint Op-Ed For National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Domestic violence is a terrible set of behaviors that are, ultimately, about control. With October being National Domestic Violence Month, we have come together to highlight how technology—specifically app-based platforms—are helping survivors flip the switch and provide more freedom and control over their own lives. First, let’s recognize the horrifying scale of domestic violence in […]