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New York Times: Shifting Uber’s Narrative from Crisis to Safety

Jill Hazelbaker, a top executive, helped the ride-hailing company weather sexual assault accusations with a change in practices and fresh messaging. Jill Hazelbaker, 40, a former political spokeswoman, is the senior vice president of marketing and public affairs for Uber. You joined Uber in 2015 when it was under scrutiny for a workplace culture where […]

Independence Works Campaign

The “Independence Works” campaign is about listening to what app-based workers want and amplifying their voices. App-based workers value the independence and flexibility to set their own hours and work around their other jobs, commitments, and interests. This gives them the freedom to build work around their life and caring for their family — not […]

Boston Globe: Making gig drivers employees could result in major job loss, study finds

Excerpt: Uber and other gig-economy companies are forced to make Massachusetts drivers employees, and they then require drivers to work at least 20 hours a week on average, between 49,000 and 74,000 job opportunities across four major ride-hailing and food-delivery platforms could be lost, a drop of 58 to 87 percent, according to a study […]

Pew Research Center: The State of Gig Work in 2021

16% of Americans have ever earned money from an online gig platform. Excerpt from Pew Research Center: Nontraditional, short-term and contract work existed prior to the internet and smartphones, but the gig economy has ushered in a new way of connecting people with consumers and those who want to hire them. Indeed, the emergence of […]